May 20, 2010

Whats on your table?

Whats on your coffee table?
Today it's...

kleenex box
wipes box
bum cream
4 remotes
little Peoples farmer
plastic tiger
plastic goose
4 hair clips
green stackable cup
sippy cup with no lid (that I keep trying to throw away but it just shows back up again!)
clipboard with graph paper
HB pencil
Ziploc bag of baby medications

{did I mention it's a small table!!}

May 2, 2010

I love the end of the day cleanup..
today I found a donkey and a horse, one on top of the other, sitting on the coffee table..

Coffee table.. on my coffee table is: kleenex box, wipes box, water bottle, teething toys, 4 .. yes 4 remotes, an empty sippy cup, sleeper size 6months, 3 hair accessories, and a book, called "Too Many Books!" (Tibo, G & St-Aubin, B. 2003).

What's on your living room table?

May 1, 2010


The meaning of life...

What is it all for.. I raised up my arms and spun around saying.." is this what life is.. mess on every surface, displaying our stuff that you can't take with you.

Life is the connections with people. I was just saying that if it wasn't for social networking I wouldn't be social at all! but I love it. I read my facebook every spare moment to find out how other peoples days are. I love to read the enthusiasm from A about her little boy, just a bit older than S.T. I love to read how J's day at work was and her kids posting photo's. If it wasn't for H posting minute by minute intense emotional teenage feelings, my home page would sometime be just farmville requests!